Can Rabbits Eat Jicama

Can Rabbits Eat Jicama?

Jicama is a Mexican vegetable that has many health benefits to humans – but can rabbits eat it? Let’s take a look at everything you need to know.

Can Rabbits At Jicama?

Rabbits can safely consume jicama – but not all of it. They can eat the raw white flesh of the jicama vegetable in moderation, but they can’t eat the skin, stem, leaves, or the seeds. This is because those parts contain rotenone, which is toxic to rabbits.

Benefits Of Feeding Jicama To Rabbits

Jicama is lower in calories, carbs, sugar, protein, and fat, and higher in antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C.

Antioxidants help to fight cell damage from free radicals and protect your bunny’s health, fiber supports healthy digestion, and vitamin C boosts the immune system.

One cup of jicama contains 49 calories, 12 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein, 0.1 gram of fat, and 6.4 grams of fiber.

It also contains 44% of your bunny’s recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin C, 4% RDI of folate, iron, magnesium, and manganese, and 6% RDI of magnesium.

It’s also tasty and fun to eat! With its juicy, crunchy texture and sweet, nutty flavor, a little jicama can enrich your rabbit’s diet and make it a bit more exciting.

How Much Jicama Can My Rabbit Eat?

Rabbits shouldn’t eat jicama every day; it should be given to them as a weekly or occasional treat.

Treats should make up around 10% of your bunny’s diet, so if you’re going to give your rabbit jicama, you should only give them a few small pieces once or twice a week at most.

How To Give Your Rabbit Jicama

To give your rabbit jicama, peel the skin off of it and cut the flesh up into small pieces. Make sure that there is no skin, root, leaves, or seeds attached to any of the flesh before you give it to them.

There is no reason to cook it as this will add no nutritional value and the soft texture of cooked foods is not good for your rabbit’s teeth.

You can give it to them as a treat on its own or mix it in with their daily meal, and if you store the rest in an air-tight container, it will keep in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.

Risks Of Feeding Jicama To Rabbits

As we mentioned above, any part of jicama other than the skin is toxic to rabbits. Eating even a little bit of it can have fatal consequences.

If you know that they have eaten jicama and they are showing signs of poisoning, such as pain, vomiting, or difficulty breathing, you should call your vet or the Pet Poison Helpline for advice immediately.

You should also be careful not to feed your rabbit too much jicama flesh.

Although it’s good for them in moderation, too much vitamin C can cause kidney damage.  Also, too much fiber can mess with their digestion and nutrient absorption, causing them to fill up on hay to settle their stomachs and gain weight. 

Allergies are also a possibility, so if your bunny is sensitive, you may want to try feeding them one little slice first before you give them more.

Food allergies can cause skin irritation, dull coat, hair loss, ear problems, and tummy upsets.

So if you notice any of these things after giving your rabbit jicama, try giving them an alternative veggie treat like bok choy, watercress, or lettuce. 

Can Baby Rabbits Have Jicama?

Baby rabbits shouldn’t eat jicama, as it can be too harsh on their developing digestive systems and cause tummy upsets.

You can start giving your bunny jicama when they are over 12 weeks of age in a very small quantity.


Jicama’s a healthy, tasty treat for rabbits, so long as it is eaten in moderation and carefully prepared. Remember, if you’re going to give your bunny jicama, make sure to only give them the flesh – no skin, stems, leaves, or seeds!